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    Matt Case - May 21st, 2024 - 7:19am PDT 

    Biometric Technology May Soon Let You Pay for Meals with Your Face

    NEW YORK — Imagine paying for your meal by simply looking at a checkout screen. This novel biometric technology is becoming increasingly widespread, making this futuristic vision a reality.

    PopID, a leading facial ID payment company, is rapidly expanding its reach across the U.S., bringing state-of-the-art technology to everyday establishments. Users register by taking a selfie, and then simply look at a camera to verify their identity and transaction, according to CNBC.

    One of the notable adopters is the fast food chain Steak ‘N Shake, which is installing these readers at 300 Midwest locations. With PopID, customers can check in within two or three seconds, offering a quicker alternative to opening the restaurant’s app and scanning a QR code.

    In Pasadena, California, the advanced eatery CaliExpress, known for using robots to flip burgers, has also implemented face ID payment through PopID.

    Previous experiments with the technology have shown promising results. When Mastercard teamed up with PopID in Brazil two years ago, 76% of users said they would recommend the efficient technology to a friend. “Our focus on biometrics as a secure way to verify identity, replacing the password with the person, is at the heart of our efforts in this area,” said Dennis Gamiello, Mastercard’s executive vice president of identity products and innovation, to CNBC.

    Buoyed by positive reactions, Gamiello mentioned plans to introduce the technology into other markets this year.

    However, the technology has faced legal challenges. Last month, an Illinois woman sued Target over allegations of illegally collecting customer biometrics, and four New York T-Mobile stores were taken to court over anti-theft facial readers. Amazon also faced accusations of illegally using employee facial scans.

    Despite these hurdles, PopID CEO John Miller predicts a significant year ahead for the technology.