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6:00pm - 4:00am

Now Playing: Chris Young - Young Love & Saturday Night


    Matt Case - October 11th - 7:19am - PST 

    Job satisfaction among Americans is under scrutiny, according to a recent poll by Yoh, a talent and outsourcing firm. The survey, involving over 2,000 U.S. adults, indicated that a mere 28% of employed respondents are wholly devoted to their current roles, unwilling to leave for any reason. However, 14% are actively considering a job switch within the next year.

    But the loyalty of these workers is not unwavering. The data reveals:

    • 26% would depart from their current position in the forthcoming year if it meant higher compensation or improved benefits.
    • Only 7% would be swayed by engaging projects at the same pay, and a mere 6% would exit their job in the next year to avoid their present boss, given the pay remained constant.
    • Long-term career prospects have 14% believing it’s beneficial to seek new employment.
    • Another 14% foresee a job change in the next three years as a pathway to a deserved raise.
    • Annual raise discontentment might drive 10% to mull over other job opportunities.

    Age plays a role in job attachment: 42% of workers aged 55 and older report unwavering love for their job, contrasted with just 19% in the 18 to 34 bracket. Meanwhile, the looming AI threat isn’t pressing for many, with only 8% anxious about AI replacing their roles in the upcoming three years.