Eco Fair and Art Festival

    Saturday, August 17, 2024

    11:00 AM - 4:00 PM
    The Lutheran Church Of The Good Shepherd, Olympia, WA, 98501

    Opportunity for folks to explore ways to take action that will help slow climate change. 37 vendors and artists, EV show, on-site e-recycling and more.

    More Information (96.9 KAYO is not responsible for external websites)

    Eco Fair and Art Festival Press Release

    Saturday, August 17, 2024 - 11am to 4pm
    The Lutheran Church of The Good Shepherd
    1601 North St. SE - Olympia, WA 98501

    Earth / air / water lovers throughout the greater Thurston community are invited to attend the second annual Eco Fair & Art Festival at The Lutheran Church of The Good Shepherd, 1601 North St. SE, Olympia, on Saturday the 17th of August from 11am until 4pm.

    The free community event is organized and run entirely by knowledgeable
    volunteers. After the success of the first fair last year, this year’s event
    promises to be even bigger and better.

    This year the Good Shepherd congregation is transforming the
    roof with 300 solar panels to provide all the church’s electricity with clean
    solar energy. At noon a special celebration and ribbon cutting ceremony
    will culminate several years of planning for this momentous occasion.

    Rhonda Hunter and Richard Dlugo, co-leaders of the church’s Climate
    Shepherds team that organizes the event, said: “After hosting our first Eco
    Fair last year we received so much encouragement from the participants
    and attendees that we set out to make this year’s event bigger and better.”

    Our goal is to inspire our visitors and participants to make choices in
    everyday life that improve the environment and help slow climate change. For example, last year several attendees subsequently invested in solar panels or EV cars.

    With the big increase in exhibitors this year we anticipate that
    participants make an even larger positive impact on the environment. That’s why our theme is “What on Earth Can YOU Do?” This is a great opportunity for individuals, families, and groups to explore ways to take action that will help slow climate change, reduce their household utility costs, and protect local ecosystems. All life, including our own, depends on a sustainable climate.

    Some examples:

    √ Learn what YOU can do with your home, garden, driving, travel, conservation and much more including solar panels, appliances & heat pumps, tax incentives, trees, native plants & bees, water conservation, climate grief & hope.

    √ This year’s fair again includes children’s activities and a schedule of on-
    stage performances and speakers throughout the day. An electric vehicle show will be presented by Thurston Climate Action Team’s Electric Vehicle Action Group. Visitors can view EV’s and talk to their owners about their experiences

    √ There will be an on-site electronics recycling event. (See the full list of acceptable items on our website.) Good for your health and the environment, plant-based food will also be available.
    √ Rhonda Hunter, ecosystem biologist and climate-concerned citizen who
    co-chairs the Eco Fair, says: “We are watching worsening climate
    emergencies all around us: heat domes, bigger fires, floods, droughts, and
    huge storms. It is too late to stop climate change, but we can slow it down
    with cumulative actions. Our individual choices on energy use, travel, what
    we buy and eat … they all add up, for better or for worse. Additionally,
    government, public agencies and infrastructure provide
    opportunities (and sometimes financial incentives) for any of us to make
    better choices. So not only in our household lives, but also in our influence
    on government, we can collectively make big improvements to slow down
    this climate wreck. Please join us at Eco Fair to learn more.”

    √ Richard Dlugo, also co-chairing the event is an accomplished wood artist and has organized local artists and crafts persons for the Art Festival section of the fair. Each artist will be vending items that are nature based, with some items created, repurposed or upcycled from existing materials. Eco Art creates a connection to the natural world as it promotes an appreciation for the environment and encourages people to take action to protect it.

    √ The festival is presented by The Lutheran Church of The Good Shepherd, where we believe we have a responsibility to care for God’s creation and the Eco Fair and Art Festival turns our faith into action. You are welcome to attend no matter where you are on your spiritual journey.
    √ Admission is free. Donations to offset the expenses are greatly encouraged and appreciated.


    The Lutheran Church Of The Good Shepherd
    1601 North St Se
    Olympia, WA

    More details for this venue


    The event runs from 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM on the following dates.
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